Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Type Author Subject Last Updated License
Extinction Drag the Words Mary Helen Leddy Health & Development 2 years ago U
Screening for Intimate Partner… Course Presentation Dawn Mangat Health & Development 2 years ago U
Grammar Lesson: Modifiers Course Presentation Krista Ceccolini Language & Linguistics 2 years ago U
LGBTQ+ Vocabulary Crossword Ashlyne ONeil Society & Social Sciences 2 years ago CC BY-NC-SA
VLS_Cognitive Load Theory - A… Column Nidhi Sachdeva, PhD Reference 2 years ago U
Social-Emotional Learning Collage Taylor Hryniw Society & Social Sciences 2 years ago U
Tech Task 17: Parts of Speech… Find The Words Devina Language & Linguistics 2 years ago U
Search Strategies Interactive Video Calin Murgu Reference 2 years ago CC BY-NC
Scholarly Sources Interactive Video Calin Murgu Reference 2 years ago CC BY-NC
Peer Review Interactive Video Calin Murgu Reference 2 years ago CC BY-NC
Annotated Bibliographies Interactive Video Calin Murgu Reference 2 years ago CC BY-NC
Evaluating Sources Interactive Video Calin Murgu Reference 2 years ago CC BY-NC
Primary and Secondary Sources Interactive Video Calin Murgu Reference 2 years ago CC BY-NC
M21 - Silicon World - Your Sto… Course Presentation Martin Seal Society & Social Sciences 2 years ago U
NCLEX Question Demo: Bowtie Drag and Drop Amanda Baker Medicine & Nursing 2 years ago OCL, U
NCLEX Question Demo: Highlight Mark the Words Amanda Baker Medicine & Nursing 2 years ago OCL, U
NCLEX Question Demo: Matrix Mark the Words Amanda Baker Medicine & Nursing 2 years ago OCL, U
NCLEX Question Demo: Drop-Down… Drag the Words Amanda Baker Medicine & Nursing 2 years ago OCL, U
NCLEX Question Demo: Drop-Down… Fill in the Blanks Amanda Baker Medicine & Nursing 2 years ago OCL, U
Machu Picchu Listening Practic… Interactive Video Caitlyn Langille Language & Linguistics 2 years ago U