Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Type Author Subject Last Updated License
Engagement and Expression: Mid… Image Hotspots Katie Stortz Society & Social Sciences 4 years ago U
Getting started Image Hotspots Lindsey Wachter Health & Development 4 years ago U
Reflection on Outdoor Provocat… Image Hotspots Katie Stortz Health & Development 4 years ago U
Sample Letter for Editing Find Multiple Hotspots Leah Klassen Business & Management 4 years ago U
Le schéma de Jakobson Image Hotspots Isabelle Pelletier Langue et Linguistique 4 years ago CC BY-SA
C. R. A. A. P. Evaluation Exam… Image Hotspots Stevie-Lee Turnbull Reference 4 years ago U
CVS and Homeostasis Image Hotspots Fleming GHS PHS Biology Medicine & Nursing 4 years ago U
High Points - advanced Find Multiple Hotspots Mary Spencer Technology & Engineering 4 years ago U
Catchment Area High Points Find Multiple Hotspots Mary Spencer Technology & Engineering 4 years ago CC BY-NC-SA
Identifying carbons in line st… Find Multiple Hotspots Samantha Sullivan Sauer Mathematics & Science 4 years ago CC BY-NC
Environmental Conditions in ea… Find Multiple Hotspots Tanya Pye Society & Social Sciences 4 years ago U
CEE benefits Image Hotspots Bri Denicola Business & Management 4 years ago U
Non-verbal Communication Activ… Image Hotspots Sue Pratt Business & Management 4 years ago CC BY-NC-SA
Howtoons Image Hotspots Patricia Glogowski Language & Linguistics 4 years ago CC BY-SA
Autocad Line Weight Hot Spot Find Multiple Hotspots Patrick Redko Technology & Engineering 4 years ago U
What is wrong with this assign… Image Hotspots Jennifer Peters Society & Social Sciences 4 years ago CC BY-NC
COMP106 Week 4 Summary Image Hotspots Kerri Shields Computing & IT 4 years ago U
How to find a source from a ci… Image Hotspots Mita Williams Reference 4 years ago CC BY
COMP106 Week 2 Key Terms Image Hotspots Kerri Shields Computing & IT 4 years ago U
Place Value of Whole Numbers a… Image Hotspots Kevin Pitts Mathematics & Science 4 years ago CC BY-NC-SA