Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Type Author Subject Last Updated License
Silly Missed Syllabus Accordion Liam Peart Reference 2 years ago CC BY-NC-ND
Enhancing and Building Your Sk… Accordion samantha szcyrek Reference 2 years ago CC BY-NC-SA
COMP701 Week 5 Key Terms Accordion Kerri Shields Business & Management 3 years ago U
We're All in This Togethe… Accordion Liam Peart Reference 2 years ago CC BY-NC-ND
EAPI 107 Debate Assignment Accordion Janet Moore Language & Linguistics 2 years ago U
How to Assess a Source Accordion Shannon Langlois Literature 4 years ago U
ASIP-PM1-13 Project Stakeholde… Accordion Arts & Science Internship Program Business & Management, Earth & the Environment 9 months ago CC BY-NC-SA
Marketing segmentation Accordion Anela Tomac Business & Management 3 years ago U
COMP126 Week 6 Excel 2019 Key… Accordion Kerri Shields Computing & IT 2 years ago U
Standard Units of the SI Syste… Accordion Edward Logan Technology & Engineering 3 years ago U
Mentoring Overview Accordion Clayton Smith Society & Social Sciences 3 years ago U
WH Question Words Accordion Donna Naylor Language & Linguistics 5 months ago U
Text coverage examples Accordion Brett Reynolds Language & Linguistics 4 years ago U
TESL - Microblogs Accordion Janet Moore Computing & IT 1 year ago U
Key Terms Chapter 1 Human Rela… Accordion Marie Rutherford Business & Management 3 years ago U
Introduction to hypothesis tes… Accordion Dorina Grossu Business & Management 2 years ago OCL, CC BY
Nine Principles of Learning Accordion Kendra Hart Society & Social Sciences 3 years ago U
24-Hour Case FAQ - 2021 Accordion Nidia Cerna Business & Management 1 year ago U
Common Sentence Errors Accordion Sherri Telenko Language & Linguistics 1 year ago U
COMP106 Week 4 Word 2019 Key T… Accordion Kerri Shields Computing & IT 4 years ago U