Avis d'interruption de service du studio H5P d'eCampusOntario
Veuillez notez que le Studio H5P de eCampusOntario effectuera des mises à jour. Il y aura une interruption de service du 11 mar au 13 mars, 2025. Le site Studio H5P et les activités hébergés sur le site ne seront pas disponibles pendant cette période. Nous mettrons à jour cette bannière en cas de modification de cet horaire.  


Needle Stick Injuries : Workplace Hazard


Needlestick injuries are one the most occurred workplace hazard among the medical and para medical staff. 

It happen when a needle accidentally pokes through the skin. These injuries can happen when health care workers are using, taking apart, or throwing away needles. If needles are not discarded properly, they can end up in things like trash, and other workers might get hurt if they touch them without expecting it.

Infected or used needles of patients can carry harmful germs, especially ones that are in the blood. These germs can cause serious diseases. Some of the most common ones include: 

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus): This virus weakens the host body's   ability to fight with infections and can lead to AIDS,

Hepatitis B and C: These are viruses that cause inflammation of the liver, causing it to become damaged over time, which can lead to serious health problems.