ASIP-UD-3 Principles of Universal Design


Universal design employs seven (7) principles that designers must consider. When these principles are carefully applied, they increase the number of people that can access and participate in an endeavor.

Scenario: Let's learn about these in more detail, using an example to illustrate the principles. Yasmin is working as a Software Development Intern. She is working on a project to research a new technology, "ASIPStudio", and present her findings back to the team. Let's examine how Yasmin has considered the principles of universal design in her project.

Instruction: Click on each principle to learn how Yasmin implemented it in her project.

References: Available in H5P metadata. 

Attribution: This activity is used in the Arts & Science Internship Program's open educational resource, "Ideation and Planning Skills for Employment Success", available through eCampusOntario's Open Library in Spring 2023.

This project is made possible with funding by the Government of Ontario and through eCampusOntario’s support of the Virtual Learning Strategy. To learn more about the Virtual Learning Strategy visit: