Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Type Author Subject Last Updated License
HumanRelations_FinalExamReview… Essay Brian Gould Business & Management 2 years ago U
Personal Anecdote Essay Hailey Wyman Reference 2 years ago U
Interactive Exercise 1.8 Essay Daryl Aranha Mathematics & Science 1 year ago CC BY
HumanRelations_MidtermReview_S… Essay Brian Gould Business & Management 2 years ago U
HumanRelations_FinalExamReview… Essay Brian Gould Business & Management 2 years ago U
What does it mean to know the… Essay Brett Reynolds Language & Linguistics 1 year ago U
What's a noun Essay Brett Reynolds Language & Linguistics 4 years ago U
Human_Relations_example Essay Brian Gould Business & Management 2 years ago U
OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO CHEMI… Essay Omotoyosi Badmus Health & Development 9 months ago OCL, CC BY
What is information to you? Essay Roger Reka Society & Social Sciences 2 years ago U
ADMN 2610 Week 7 Home Insuranc… Essay Terry Greene Business & Management 1 year ago CC BY-NC
Interactive Exercise 1.6 Essay Daryl Aranha Mathematics & Science 1 year ago CC BY
HumanRelations_MidtermReview_S… Essay Brian Gould Business & Management 2 years ago U
HumanRelations_FinalExamReview… Essay Brian Gould Business & Management 2 years ago U
Define Multidisciplinary Team Essay Tracy Sherriff Society & Social Sciences 1 year ago OCL, U
What's a verb Essay Brett Reynolds Language & Linguistics 1 year ago U
HumanRelations_FinalExamReview… Essay Brian Gould Business & Management 2 years ago U
International Predeparture - M… Essay Brian Gould Society & Social Sciences 2 years ago U
ProfAdminSkills_M6_ExamReviewE… Essay Brian Gould Business & Management 2 years ago U
Pain Documentation Tool Essay Andrea Miller Medicine & Nursing 3 years ago U