Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Type Author Subject Last Updated License
Three core principles of TCPS2 Fill in the Blanks Julie Fossitt Reference 6 months ago OCL, U
Chapter 1 Vocabulary Drag the Words Julie Pearson-Kavelman Language & Linguistics 1 year ago U
Blackboard Interface Image Hotspots Julie Sullivan Computing & IT 3 years ago U
OER Rangers eLearning Question Set Julie Sullivan Health & Development 8 months ago U
Algonquin College Library Webs… Question Set Julie Trudeau Reference 1 year ago U
PEP Anit-Oppressive changes Question Set Julie Whitehead Health & Development 2 years ago OCL, U
Ch 16 knowledge check key conc… Question Set Justin Mulder Earth & the Environment 3 years ago U
Agri-Audio Audio Recorder Justin Mulder Earth & the Environment 4 years ago U
Agri-Barchart Chart Justin Mulder Earth & the Environment 4 years ago U
ch 16 knowledge check key conc… Question Set Justin Mulder Earth & the Environment 3 years ago U
Agri-PIEchart Chart Justin Mulder Earth & the Environment 4 years ago U
Ch 17 knowledge check Key Conc… Question Set Justin Mulder Earth & the Environment 3 years ago U
Agri-Hotspots Image Hotspots Justin Mulder Earth & the Environment 4 years ago U
Agri-hotspot Find the Hotspot Justin Mulder Earth & the Environment 4 years ago U
Ch 17 Knowledge check Key Conc… Question Set Justin Mulder Earth & the Environment 3 years ago U
Exercice chapitre 1 - physiolo… Question Set Justine Verville-Fiset Santé et Développement humain 8 months ago OCL, U
La pathologie de l'asthme… Accordion Justine Verville-Fiset Médecine et Sciences infirmièr… 5 months ago OCL, U
Respiration cellulaire True/False Question Justine Verville-Fiset Santé et Développement humain 6 months ago OCL, U
Définir les priorités en santé Drag the Words Justine Verville-Fiset Santé et Développement humain 6 months ago OCL, U
Termes respiratoires 2.0 Drag the Words Justine Verville-Fiset Médecine et Sciences infirmièr… 5 months ago OCL, U