Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Type Author Subject Last Updated License
Module 4 - Planning the Live F… Course Presentation John Snider Technology & Engineering 2 years ago U
Module 1 - Introduction and Hi… Course Presentation John Snider Technology & Engineering 2 years ago CC BY-NC-ND
Vocabulario de tecnología Image Hotspots Andrea Olivares Language & Linguistics 2 years ago U
Discover Us: Assignment Planni… Interactive Video Hailey Wyman Reference 2 years ago U
Discover Us: Library Search Interactive Video Hailey Wyman Reference 2 years ago U
Discover Us: Citations Interactive Video Hailey Wyman Reference 2 years ago U
Fallacies Course Presentation Chandra Hodgson Language & Linguistics 2 years ago U
Getting Started & Getting… Interactive Video Stephanie Quail Business & Management 2 years ago U
FINE 2000: Self-Paced Library… Course Presentation Stephanie Quail Business & Management 2 years ago U
Discover Us: Learning Centre Interactive Video Hailey Wyman Reference 2 years ago U
WRIT 3989: Self-Paced Library… Course Presentation Stephanie Quail Business & Management 2 years ago U
Discover Us: 1:1 Appointments Interactive Video Hailey Wyman Reference 2 years ago U
Discover Us: Webinars Interactive Video Hailey Wyman Reference 2 years ago U
Discover Us: Subject Guides Interactive Video Hailey Wyman Reference 2 years ago U
DiscoverUs: The Learning Porta… Interactive Video Hailey Wyman Reference 2 years ago U
Discover Us: Tutorials Interactive Video Hailey Wyman Reference 2 years ago U
Discover Us: Databases Interactive Video Hailey Wyman Reference 2 years ago U
Discover Us: Ask Us Interactive Video Hailey Wyman Reference 2 years ago U
Find the Film Careers Find The Words Heather Burgess The Arts 2 years ago U
Careers in Film and Television Drag and Drop Heather Burgess The Arts 2 years ago U