eCampusOntario H5P Studio Service Disruption Notice
We have completed our scheduled upgrades. Minor updates not requiring downtime will continue to be made in the coming days. If you are experiencing any issues please contact us at
GAMES1 - 4.11 System of Equations: Examples 1
This Module is part of GAMES! A Gentle Approach to Math, Excel, and Stats: Course 1. Visit this link to view other modules in the course or search for “GAMES1” in H5P studio. All other course materials can be downloaded from the link.
GAMES! A Gentle Approach to Math, Excel, and Stats: Course 2 is also available. Visit this link to view course modules and to download supplementary course materials.
Both courses received funding from the Government of Ontario’s Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS). Visit the VLS Collection page to learn more about projects funded by this initiative.