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eCampusOntario H5P Studio Service Disruption Notice
We have completed our scheduled upgrades. Minor updates not requiring downtime will continue to be made in the coming days. If you are experiencing any issues please contact us at

FInd all medical term words


Dermat/itis- inflammation to the skin

Rhytid/o/plasty- surgical repair of wrinkles

Hepat/o/megaly- enlarged liver

onych/o/crypt/osis- abnormal condition of a hidden nail

xer/osis- abnormal condition of dryness

uni/later/al- pertaining to one side

oste/o/malacia- softening of the bone

xanth/osis-abnormal condition of yellow

erythr/o/derm/a- red skin

onych/o/phagia- eating of nail