Chief Architect Software Computer Aided Drafting Video Tutorial

Ontario Commons License
Please note: This H5P activity is licensed under an Ontario Commons License. As such, only authorized users are permitted to use this work as defined under the terms of the license.

Computer Aided Drafting Video Tutorial

The tutorial includes eight Chief Architect software video modules demonstrating how to create a Bath Design with a step by step manual to follow along with.

The module includes the following videos with direct YouTube links below:

  1. File Management 
  2. Opening and Saving a new drawing.
  3. Tool bars and Catalogues.
  4. Creating a Powder Room Floor Plan and Elevations.
  5. Mechanical Plan.
  6. Adding Text.
  7. Applying, Changing Finishes and Creating a Perspective Rendering.
  8. Creating a Drawing Package.
  9. Link to Project Manual

Visit: Chief Architect 

This project is made possible with funding by the Government of Ontario and through eCampus Ontario's support of the Virtual Learning Strategy. To Learn more about the Virtual Learning Strategy visit: eCampus Ontario

This project is created by Mary Dancey & Jennifer Lucifora and licensed under the Ontario Commons License