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eCampusOntario H5P Studio Service Disruption Notice
We have completed our scheduled upgrades. Minor updates not requiring downtime will continue to be made in the coming days. If you are experiencing any issues please contact us at

Surprising Regulations, Laws and Treaties: Real or fabricated?


A video showing the text of, a regulation, law or treaty, or a headline and snippet of an article about a regulation etc. Players must decide whether each case presented is real or fabricated.

  • no voice narration, only instrumental background music. (Therefore no closed captions included.)
  • not possible to skip forward in the video, but you should be able to watch it at a faster speed if you wish.
  • Please submit your responses at the end (click the "submit responses" button that will appear in your score summary at the end.) 
  • Submitted responses are anonymous (no identifying information is included/attached).

    MUSIC:  "Distill" by jaspertine 2024, CC-BY-4.0 on ccMixter.