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Interpersonal Communication Simulation


This branching scenario simulation was developed with our Community and Justice Services faculty to deliver in-class as a way to assess communication skills.

Patrick, the student in the video, is acting as the "partner" to the student who is in class participating in this simulation. Patrick arrives to work intoxicated. The student "partner" in class has to respond to Patrick to try and encourage him to go home as he cannot stay at work in this condition. 

As the student in class is responding, the faculty member actively decides if their response is appropriate or not appropriate. The faculty member then clicks an option that either leads the simulation down a path where the scenario becomes escalated or de-escalated.

The "A" options will de-escalate, the "B" options are neutral and the "C" options will escalate. 

Developed by Sarah Wendorf, Jeffery Tranchemontagne, Cynthia Booth, Micheline Lavallee, and Patrick (CJSP student)