Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Type Author Subject Last Updated License
L21.6 -구나/군(요): Expressing dis… Fill in the Blanks Hyeyoon Cho Language & Linguistics 2 weeks ago U
L21.5 -이/히/리/기: Passive verb… Fill in the Blanks Hyeyoon Cho Language & Linguistics 2 weeks ago U
Neurological Assessment Knowle… Question Set Melissa Sherrer Health & Development 2 weeks ago CC BY
IRS True/False Question arshjot singh Health & Development 2 weeks ago U
IRS True/False Question arshjot singh Health & Development 2 weeks ago U
IRS True/False Question arshjot singh Health & Development 2 weeks ago U
IRS True/False Question arshjot singh Health & Development 2 weeks ago U
irs True/False Question arshjot singh Health & Development 2 weeks ago U
L21. 4 -(으)ㄹ 텐데: Expressing co… Drag the Words Hyeyoon Cho Language & Linguistics 2 weeks ago U
L21.2 Vocab Fill in the Blanks Hyeyoon Cho Language & Linguistics 2 weeks ago U
Learning to Create Citations U… Interactive Book Emma Richter-Ryan Reference 2 weeks ago OCL, U
Occupational health wellness a… True/False Question Sella mariya Lalu Health & Development 2 weeks ago U
Occupational health wellness a… True/False Question Sella mariya Lalu Health & Development 2 weeks ago U
L 21.3 -(으)ㄴ/는데도: Expressing c… Fill in the Blanks Hyeyoon Cho Language & Linguistics 2 weeks ago U
L 21. 2 -(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 줄 몰랐다: A… Drag the Words Hyeyoon Cho Language & Linguistics 2 weeks ago U
L21. 1 -(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 모양이다: Expr… Mark the Words Hyeyoon Cho Language & Linguistics 2 weeks ago OCL, U
Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal… Question Set Simran Simran Health & Development 2 weeks ago U
L21. 1 Vocab Fill in the Blanks Hyeyoon Cho Language & Linguistics 2 weeks ago U
Creating an Interactive H5P Ac… Multiple Choice LUCKY OKAN Health & Development 2 weeks ago OCL, U
Recipe for a Good Life Accordion Donna Naylor Language & Linguistics 2 weeks ago CC BY-NC-SA