Catalogue of H5P Content

Table Details Displays a list of content created and shared by members of this site.
Title Type Author Subject Last Updated License
Strategies during Volleyball Drag the Words Lakshmi Health & Development 1 year ago U
Module 2 Assignment Drag the Words Jocelyn Kiryluk Medicine & Nursing 3 years ago U
Safety Talks -Basic Kitchen Ha… Drag the Words Trupti Raju Kammar Reference 2 years ago U
L3.1 -어요/아요 (New Gen. Korean) Drag the Words Soonae Bac Language & Linguistics 3 years ago U
Nature of Disabilities 1 - Aut… Drag the Words Carrie Mallon Health & Development 2 years ago U
Transition Words (Level 2) Drag the Words Sherri Telenko Language & Linguistics 2 years ago U
How many? Drag the Words Larissa Conley Language & Linguistics 5 months ago U
Vocabulary about vaccine resea… Drag the Words Mary Anne Peters Language & Linguistics 3 years ago U
Schedules of Reinforcement Drag the Words Elham Satvat Society & Social Sciences 5 months ago CC BY-NC
Omni Review: Tools Drag the Words Chelsie Lalonde Reference 2 years ago OCL, U
Third Safety Check Drag the Words Helene St-Pierre Medicine & Nursing 3 years ago U
Academic Integrity Drag the Words Elham Satvat Reference 5 months ago CC BY-NC-SA
Complete a Technical Explanati… Drag the Words Gail Harris Technology & Engineering 2 weeks ago C
Strategic Planning Process Drag the Words Sue Pratt Business & Management 3 years ago CC BY-NC-SA
Declarative content clause fun… Drag the Words Brett Reynolds Language & Linguistics 3 years ago U
Avoiding questions Drag the Words Iryna Butsenko Language & Linguistics 2 years ago U
Plan Drag the Words Orientation Assistant Reference 3 years ago U
Understanding different kinds… Drag the Words Nicola Winstanley Society & Social Sciences 3 years ago U
La recherche scientifique : en… Drag the Words Lianne Pelletier Societé et Sciences sociales 4 months ago OCL, U
Mammalian cell components Drag the Words Kristina Burns Health & Development 6 months ago U